The Kirkpatrick range
Since the 20th century the Ruger Vaquero has been one of the most favourite guns of all time for those who are fond of the cowboy actions. It was designed first by Bill Ruger. It was single action revolver with rotating vintage inbuilt mag. This handgun is very beautiful and reliable. However, to make the utility more comfortable the most important thing to have beside the gun is its holster. And when it comes to holsters, what can be a better option than the Kirkpatrick range of Ruger Vaquero Holster.
They provide the most reliable and most durable holsters for all types of firearm. And when it comes to the Ruger Vaquero Holster, they make it with love as if it is being built for them. The raw materials used for manufacturing the holsters are taken from the highly trusted vendors across America. From the top to bottom everything is hand made one at a time. The high quality pure leather is made in the USA. The leather obtained from the bark of trees by traditional method provides the top notch action during the cowboy matches. And due tocustomization, the holsters along with the belts are constructed between 8 and 9 oz.
The Kirkpatrick have 70 years of experience and run by the former soldier who fought for the USA during the WWII. The members of the company proudly make each and every order of holster as a symbol of their passion. Being one of the best manufacturer in the world and best in class in USA, this is the company you should definitely approach if you want a new holster for your gun. They have specialization for the western guns since the 50s and ever since then, they’ve been acing both the build quality and functionality of the products they make.
Along with all these the high durability of the holsters it also comes with7 nylon thread sewingthat is cord bondedmade with industrial saddler sewing machines. The holsters are double lined and provided with 2 correspondingstitching at all the stress points. Other essential materials like brass, nickel, and steel are also used to add a strong construction from top to bottom. The product that comes out of the Kirkpatrick is trust worthy; people have loved the work. And being made in Texas by the gun lovers improves the quality. Talking about the styling, you will find designs from the 1800s to the classic TV shows and movies.
Regardless of the designing and raw materials used to make these elegant products, no compromise is made when it comes to performance. It provides you a very comfortable carrying of the gun and does not allow it to move from its place. This handcrafted Ruger Vaquero Holster from the Kirkpatrick range is something that every gun enthusiastic must have. It is not only a symbol of a proud American but also provides a very promising performance. Being built by hands with effort and elegance, this master piece is a real work of art that you shouldn’t miss.